2phase NEMA17 NEMA23 hybrid stepper motor driver DSP DC20V-50V 3A MC542
  • 2phase NEMA17 NEMA23 hybrid stepper motor driver DSP DC20V-50V 3A MC542
  • 2phase NEMA17 NEMA23 hybrid stepper motor driver DSP DC20V-50V 3A MC542
  • 2phase NEMA17 NEMA23 hybrid stepper motor driver DSP DC20V-50V 3A MC542

2phase NEMA17 NEMA23 hybrid stepper motor driver DSP DC20V-50V 3A MC542

  • Model: MC542
  • Shipping Weight: 1g
  • Units in Stock: 28


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Product Description

Product Name: two-phase 57 digitalstepper driver MC542

MC542is a new generation of digital control of two phase hybrid stepping motordriver based on DSP, according to user needs can be customized to any arbitrarySubdivision Current and rated current of less than 512 in value, due toincreasing the internal motor parameter automatic recognition function, canaccording to the different motor with some operational parameters, the motorruns very smoothly. Low noise.

function description 


Operation instructions

Operating current setting

The output current of thedriver is set by the three dial switches of SW1-SW3, and the output currenthas 8 levels. For specific output current settings, refer to the drive panelinstructions.

Automatichalf current function

Setthe auto semi current function of the drive through the SW4. The OFFindicates that the quiescent current is set at half of the dynamic current,and the ON represents the same static current as the dynamic current. Forgeneral use, the SW4 shall be set to OFF to reduce heating and improvereliability of the motor and actuator. After the pulse string stops, about0.3 seconds or so, the current automatically reduces by 50% (actual value55%), the calorific value theoretically reduces 65%.

Microstep subdividesetting

By the SW5-SW8 four dialswitch set microstep subdivide, the total of 15 stalls microstep. When theuser sets the subdivision, the drive should be stopped. The micro finefraction set, please press the drive panel.

Indicator light

The drive has red andgreen lights. The green light is the power indicator lamp. When the drive ispowered on, the green light is always on; the red light is the faultindicating lamp, and when the overvoltage and overcurrent faults occur, thetrouble lamp is always on. After the fault is clear, the red light goes out.When the drive fails, only the power on and re enable to clear the fault.

Signal interface

PUL+ and PUL- are thepositive and negative ends of the control pulse signals; the DIR+ and DIR-are the positive and negative ends of the directional signal; ENA+ and ENA-are the positive and negative ends of the enabling signals.

Motor Interface

The A+ and A- areconnected with the positive and negative ends of the A phase winding of thestepping motor; B+ and B- are connected with the positive and negative endsof the B phase winding of the stepping motor. When the A and B two phase windingsare switched, the motor direction is reversed.


DCpower supply, the input voltage range: 24~50VDC, power supply is greater than100W

Installation instructions

Drive dimensions are: 117* 78 * 34mm, the mounting hole distance is 111mm. It can be installedhorizontally or vertically (vertical installation is recommended). Wheninstalled, it should be attached to the metal cabinet to facilitate heatdissipation.




Suitablefor all kinds of motion control automation equipment and instruments, such aselectronic processing and testing, semiconductor packaging, laser cutting andwelding, laser printing, packaging machinery, engraving machine, markingmachine, cutting machine, apparel plotter, CNC machine tools, automaticassembly equipment etc.. It is the first choice for users with low noise, highspeed performance and competitive cost performance.