The HBS series offers an alternative forapplications requiring high performance and high reliability when the servo wasthe only choice, while it remains cost-effective. The system includes a 3-phasestepper motor combined with a fully digital, high performance drive and aninternal encoder which is used to close the position, velocity and currentloops in real time, just like servo systems. It combines the best of servo andstepper motor technologies, and delivers unique capabilities and enhancementsover both, while at a fraction of the cost of a servo system.
The HBS series offers an alternative forapplications requiring high performance and high reliability when the servo wasthe only choice, while it remains cost-effective. Its great feature of fastresponse and no hunting make it ideal for applications such as bonding andvision systems in which rapid motions with a short distance are required andhunting would be a problem. And it is ideal for applications where theequipment uses a belt-drive mechanism or otherwise has low rigidity and youdon't want it to vibrate when stopping.